Tuesday, Feb 7/12
Time to catch up again on what we have been doing down here in Texas.
On Jan 31/12, I attended an evening performance in our Rec Ctr of "Gold Wing Express" - a white father and his 3 Indian sons - bluegrass country band - great guitar and banjo playing and lots of fun too.
Don and I drove the hour down to South Padre Island on Groundhog Day, had lunch at Pirate's Landing in Port Isabel and then went over to the Island. We met up with our friend Tracy Logan and her 4 month old daughter Emma. They were down from Lakefield area to visit Tracy's parents who winter on the island - from the Chatham area. It was Emma's first time to the beach and she slept through it.
On our way back to Alamo we stopped at the new Bass Pro Store in Harlengen but didn't buy any of their boats or anything. These stores are a work of wildlife art inside and always worth a good look around.
We have been to see some movies on Mondays - $5 ticket for Seniors all day on Mondays - so we go if the weather is a bit cool and cloudy. We saw "The Descendants" starring George Clooney; "The Iron Lady" starring Meryl Streit and "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" starring Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock and a young boy who played his difficult part very well.
Don is now playing old men's Slow Pitch 4 mornings a week since he got drafted last week to play in the competitive league - which he seems to like better than his house league team. He is happy doing this and bought himself a beautiful $200 bat - didn't know that bats can be so expensive now? This Saturday he will be taking an all day course to learn to be an Umpire.
I participated in a 20 mile bike ride with my neighbour Roger on Saturday morning. This 20 or 40 mile ride was put on by the City of McAllen and the Texas Forest Service to celebrate Arbor Day. It was the first time for this ride and about 200 participants came out. It was a nice morning and we started at 7:30 am and were done by 10 AM. The fast bikers did the 20 mile route twice and when us slow bikers were around the 15 mile mark - the fast ones passed us on their second time around. Oh well.
We did do our second night of the Cuddle Club and this time I got to change a diaper, see a circumcision and do several bottle feedings. We stayed for almost 4 hours and the time went by very quickly. Tomorrow we will go again.


  1. I like the adventure of your activities....$200 bat is the same,perhaps, as the cost of skiis, golf clubs etc. Great exercise though. It appears that you may have had a cool trip to the island.Our winter continues to be a non-winter so far....no compalints.


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