Haven't blogged for awhile because the weather has improved and couldn't stay inside when it is beautiful outside. So I have to mention the highlights for the past 10 days.
On Wednesday, Feb 15/12 about 30 TG Bike Club members participated in the McAllen Golden Years Bike and Birding Event at Bentsen State Park (about 30 minutes away by car). We traillered the bikes there and then rode around the park. We saw kisadees, red shouldered hawks, greenjays and altamira orioles, plus 3 milk snakes sunning themselves in a creek.
Don got to go to another Killer Bee Game but unfortunately the bees lost that night. I didn't get to this one since I had Cuddle Club at the hospital that night. Feb 18.
I attended the Pioneer and Ranching Craft Day at the Museum of South Texas History in Edinburg on Feb 18. There was entertainment and demonstrations and lots of Winter Texans there because it was a nice day even though the weatherman said we were to get 50 mph winds - which luckily did not happen.
On Feb 21, we had a spagetti dinner and casino night at our recreation hall. The local Shriners come out to do this as a fundraiser. You try to win as much play money as you can by playing BlackJack for a few hours and then there is a auction so you can spend the money you collected. Don and I won the auction of a blanket.
Don will be playing his slowpitch playoffs next week. It will be a challenge because this teams are the lowest in the standings.
I participated in the Canada/US Golf Tournament on our little Golf Course and Canada won the tourney by one stroke. Here is a picture of the cabbage field that is right beside our little golf course.
I will throw in this other picture I took in the window of a hispanic grocery store recently.
The big news around here is Cousin Don and Maureen bought a Park Model home from another RV Park and will have it moved over to this park on March 1. They sold their 5th wheel trailer already to another couple here in our park. This change required more concrete on their park site so the park model can be parked here. Don and I purchased the small storage shed with a washer and dryer from Don and Maureen since they will have another one from the park model they bought. No more weekly trips to the community laundry machines in the park for us.
We do keep busy with dinner at friends and last Sunday, Brenda and Rick hosted a party for 3 guys (Rick, Brian and Cousin Don) who all are celebrating their 60th birthdays!
Today I participated in an in-park Arts and Crafts Display in our Recreation Hall. I built some of my glass pole toppers from glass objects I picked up at local thrift stores. I did not plan on doing my glassware down here but I couldn't stop myself. I did make 2 redneck wine glasses too and showed 2 Powertex masks. I sold 6 Pole toppers today and have one for myself and I will try and restrain myself from making anymore. There were lots of beautiful paintings, nature pictures, quilts, woodworking, stained glass, swedish weaving and yarn crafts on display.
Almost forgot to mention that Don and I visited our friends Janet and Harold Baal who are spending the month of February at Americana RV Park in the Rio Grande Valley. They travel with their pretty dog Buddy.


  1. Nice job on the golf tourney win Tiger, never heard about that one.

  2. Canada won without "the donald" who was playing B-ball and fortunatly did not need the services of the man, who recently had a round of -7....wow!

  3. Glad to hear that good Texas weather arrived. We are bracing for the worst snow of the winter to quote the TV weather report....my loins are girded....I've lots of food at the ready and many good books.I'm ready for the long haul!!!


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