Friends time in Florida

To March 25/10

We really haven't done too much exciting touristy sight-seeing stuff this past week but we have enjoyed time with friends. We attended a Chili Blaze event put on by the Pinellas Park Fire Department at a local park. The next day there was a "Country in the Park" event in the same park and Mary visited in the afternoon.

Sunday night we enjoyed a St Patrick's dinner at Brian and Thery's friends - Jane and Diane and their dog Fuzzy. Jane has a thing for cows and there are hundreds around in her home. We were dressed up for the occasion from Thery's tickle trunk.

On Monday we had a field trip over to the Orlando area to visit Gord and Jill Hill from Belleville who had rented a house with a pool. Gord is another retired firefighter and friend of Don and Brian's. On arrival back at the campground, Thery strained her ankle and had to unforturately back out of the week's line dancing classes with Mary. On Tuesday, Diana and Dave Twiner from Lakefield arrived from the north and stayed with us for a few days being the first overnight guests on our trip.
We leave on Saturday morning to journey north. We have the first 2 nights just south of Ocala, Florida to enjoy the weekend. By Good Friday, we hope to be in Virginia to celebrate Easter with Tom and Diana.


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