
Showing posts from April, 2016

Winter 2015– April 2016

October 29, 2015  Started journey to Florida with first night in Beamsville, Ontario at the Holdenmeyer B&B+ after saying bye to Katie, Dave and Davis. Quick stop at the Lechs before crossing the border. Night of October 30 th spent in Winchester PA and reached Chesapeake in time to carve some pumpkins and have Halloween Fun. Enjoy a few nights with Tom, Diana, Jacob, Hannah and Benjamin. November 3/15  Arrived at Condo to unpack and start setting up our “New to Us” condo at On Top Of The World, Clearwater Florida. Thanks to Charity Thrift Stores, Garage Sales, Craig’s List and our building free bins we had the place comfortable for our needs. Only big retail items were the new TV and mattress set for the guest bedroom. Friday, November 13/15    Tom and family joined us at the Silver Lake Resort in Kissimmee Florida for a week. We went back to OTOW on November 19 th after a day with the family at Tampa Busch Gardens. They had a quick look at the condo bef...